Alliant International University in 萨克拉门托 is nestled between the beautiful 萨克拉门托 和 American rivers. 作为加州的首府和发展最快的主要城市, 萨克拉门托是著名的政治重镇, 金融, 也是加州北部的医疗中心. 这确保了作为一名阿连特学生, 你的职业范围很广, 实习, 网络, 和 volunteer opportunities while attending our 萨克拉门托 university to help set you up for a successful career.
我们提供研究生课程 婚姻家庭治疗 和 临床心理学. 准备在萨克拉门托的大学开始新的职业生涯?
萨克拉门托已经进入复兴时期, with the metropolitan area becoming a cultural hotspot with a vibrant arts scene. 美国最具种族多样性和宜居性的城市之一, the diverse student body 和 active student groups provide for a truly unique 和 engaging student experience. 萨克拉门托到处都是诱人的从农场到餐桌的餐厅, gastropubs, 啤酒厂, 表演艺术中心, 音乐厅, 博物馆, 历史遗迹, 还有田园诗般的公园. 无论你是想探索这个城市还是周末去露营, 萨克拉门托校区距离旧金山只有两个小时的车程, 太浩, 或约塞米蒂.
位于萨克拉门托的阿连特校区约有200名在校生, 研究生, 心理学专业学生. 教师专业领域包括健康心理学领域, 神经心理学, 创伤, 法医心理学, 社会公正与监督.
理想的位置, the campus itself is just off Interstate 5 和 is accessible from all major thoroughfares in the city proper. If you are looking to live in a beautiful city while achieving your higher education, 与Alliant一起选择萨克拉门托的心理学学位.
This COAMFTE-accredited graduate degree program trains 和 instructs students on the psychology underlying the ever-evolving complexities of the modern-day family. 一旦完成了, graduates of the master's degree will be prepared to go out into the world 和 make a difference in the lives of individuals 和 families, 不管他们的情况如何.
This COAMFTE-accredited doctoral program employs a model of scholarship that combines advanced behavioral theory with practical h和s-on training. Our doctors in psychology graduate program will leave equipped to guide clients 和 patients towards positive, 希望的结果. Contact our admissions team for information on tuition fees, enrollment, student services 和 more.
This is an APA-accredited doctoral education 和 training in 临床心理学 that is aligned with contemporary theory following practitioner-scholar model. 我们的目标是训练你成为一名临床心理学家, 能够运用沟通和解决问题的能力来帮助他人. beat365手机版官方网站了解更多关于萨克拉门托博士课程.
We have an illustrious staff of professors who’ve made impacts within their individual fields. 萨克拉门托校区的著名成员包括:
Dr. Sean Davis is a distinguished professor at Alliant International University. Dr. Davis' work focuses on common factors of effective 婚姻家庭治疗 treatments. 他在这一领域发表了大量文章, most notably having co-authored the first book on this subject 和 two articles for which he 和 his co-authors received the 2014 和 2015 article of the year award in the Journal of Marital 和 Family Therapy, 他所在领域的顶级期刊. Dr. 戴维斯也是该论文的合著者. 《beat365手机版官方网站》, 和《家庭治疗要点, 本领域使用最广泛的两本理论教科书. 除了他的共同因素的工作,博士. Davis enjoys international education opportunities, having taken students to Mexico 和 Italy.
Dr. Glebova自2013年起担任萨克拉门托 CFT分行董事. She also teaches courses on family therapy theories, diversity, 和 research methods. 主要研究方向为家庭治疗过程, 继代创伤, 上下文相关的治疗, 职业倦怠. Over the years she has written 和 co-authored dozens of publications 和 presented at major professional conferences nationally 和 internationally. She is a licensed family therapist in CA whose practice includes working with immigrant families.
著名的演说家、研究员和讲师. 鲁道夫在萨克拉门托校区教过几门课程, 值得注意的是道德, 监督, 和认知行为.
A noted fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) 和 the Association of State 和 Provincial 心理学 Boards (ASPPB), he facilitates a research lab exploring psychology education 和 training issues. He has co-authored three books 和 numerous articles on education, training, 和 competency.
Julie Cosenza(他们/他们)
2030 W. 埃尔卡米诺大街.
大学校园交通便利, 就在I-5的521B出口旁边, 距离80号州际公路不到一英里.
我们的联系电话是: (916) 750-2235了解更多关于我们萨克拉门托的研究生课程.
I have excelled in my professional career as a licensed psychologist 和 a licensed marriage 和 family therapist. 我已经完成了目标,也为新的目标感到兴奋.
My professional training through Alliant at 萨克拉门托 has afforded me the opportunity to pursue multiple avenues post graduation. 通过教师的奉献和支持, I have successfully presented research at national 和 international conferences. I’m truly grateful for the faculty 和 staff at the 萨克拉门托 campus as that has allowed me to thrive in the field of 婚姻家庭治疗.